Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Microsoft writes a law for Oklahoma

Microsoft writes a law for Oklahoma giving it the right to inspect your hard drive, delete your files and applications, and call the police if it finds anything illegal. Is your state next?

Well, another debate about American "Freedom". Seems these days there's no such thing as personal freedom, just freedom of the state and big fat corporations.

Of course, if these guys accidentally delete something legal -- eg perhaps you've never officially registered because you installed while offline -- then they will be tampering with your computer, which should mean big fines and maybe jail time for the executives.

Oh, sorry, I forgot. That only applies to individuals, and not to big corporations like Sony or Microsoft.

If you ask me, that's another nail in the coffin for Windows. Why is it these guys just don't get it?

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Friday, April 07, 2006

Bush takes over the World - Part 4

We know that Uncle George "Dubya" Bush is very keen on democracy - it's the only way to go.

Even if you pervert it a bit to get yourself elected.

Even though its success in Afghanistan and Iraq has been far from spectacular. Never mind. It's the will of the people, their freedom to vote and choose that's important here. And in defence of that freedom, America has gone to war. Several times. A democratic freedom of choice is paramount.

Unless of course, you choose someone George doesn't like. As has happened in Palestine. The people have chosen (and fairly, unlike in some countries) to be represented by Hamas. Hurrah, democracy in action!

Bong! Wrong. That's not how it's supposed to work, so the US will just slap sanctions on the country until they elect someone Uncle George likes.

It's funny, but that's not how I understood democracy worked. But it is the way it works in a dictatorship...

Bush takes over the World - Part 3

U.S. Rolls Out Plan to Build 125 Nukes per Year.

The Bush administration Wednesday unveiled a blueprint for rebuilding the nation's decrepit nuclear weapons complex, including restoration of a large-scale bomb manufacturing capacity.

So let's see if I've got this straight... Nuclear proliferation is bad. Iran having nukes is bad. But it's okay if we start making new nukes, and doing nuclear deals with India...

I wonder how this will affect the friendly terms the US is on with Pakistan, who have fought several wars and border skirmishes with India over the last 3 decades or so.

That's a real neat ploy for helping world peace, Dubya!

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Bush takes over the World - Part 2

Security leaks are bad, and that's something Bush has clamped down on hard. After all, we can't have people knowing the truth can we?

So perhaps it's a little strange that he's been authorising leaks himself, although this only comes out in a court case on perjury and obstruction on a CIA leak case, as reported by the International Herald Tribune.

I'm not too worried about how many false facts Bush gave to "justify" the invasion of Iraq, but I would like to know why he was so keen on the invasion. What is it's real purpose?

Bush takes over the World - Part 1

White House Said To Be Muzzling Scientists On 'Global Warming'...

Scientists doing climate research for the federal government say the Bush administration has made it hard for them to speak forthrightly to the public about global warming. The result, the researchers say, is a danger that Americans are not getting the full story on how the climate is changing.

So, don't want to stop polluting SUVs? Embarrassed the Kyoto accords are going ahead without you? Time to get Big Brother onside and manipulate the data. If you delete all references to a problem, then there is no problem - right?

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